JavaScript equivalent of C# 'out' keyword
The various ways of mimicking 'out' with conditional expression and some little extra.
̶R̶e̶a̶c̶t̶ VUE Context Provider Pattern | Custom Hooks
React Context Provider Pattern applied to Vue Composition API.
VUE + TSX 💖 IDE | How to enable Intellisense with VUE + TS + JSX
VUE setup in a way that boosts the IDE to enable Ctrl + Click to go to Definitions or Usages.
Bitwise enum flags to generate HTML from array
A case about usage of binary operations to generate HTML of each combination.
Pass Angular Component via @Input() | HOC | Dynamic Wrapper
Deep dive into Angular to create a HOC and to pass Components as Input into another Component.
React extract context for not nested components via shared state pattern
Advanced details about React hooks and how to exploit their behavior for edge cases.